

 नोभिन कोरानाको कारणले बिश्व यतिखेर हायलकाल छ । बिश्वले केही गर्न सकेको छैन । आफु बचौ र अरुलाई बचाउ भन्ने नाराले गुन्जीएको छ । यतीबेला धेरैजना घरभित्र छटपाटाई रहनु भएको छ । यस अबस्थामा के गर्ने भनेर सोच्नु भन्दा पनि केहिन केहि गरि राख्नु पर्दछ । जस्ले गर्दा अल्छी लाग्दो समयलाई सजिलै  बिताउनु सकिन्छ भने केही नयाँ कामपनि सिकिन्छ । मैले यो समयमा भँगेरीले आफनो गुड बनाएको, बच्चा कोरेलेको मज्जाला हेरे । त्यो अनुभब मेरो लागी प्रेणारुपि  बनेको छ

 The world is in turmoil right now because of Novin Corana. The world has done nothing. The slogan is to save oneself and save others. At this time, many people are living indoors. There is more to life than meets the eye. As a result, lazy time can be easily spent and some new work can be learned. At this time, I watched the fun of the sparrow making its own good, the baby carving. That experience has become an inspiration for me

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